MINI COVID-19 Response



To our Valued BMW and MINI of Sterling Dealership Guests:

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts our community, we felt it important to connect with you directly to share the steps we are taking to help keep our guests and team members safe and healthy.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by COVID-19 around the world. The health and safety of our guests and team members have always been and will continue to be our top priority. Since our inception, we have consistently maintained clean and sanitary restrooms, guest waiting areas, sales and service desks. We will continue to do so every day all day.
In recent weeks, we have increased the frequency by which all areas are cleaned. We have also enhanced the nightly deep cleaning of our facilities, including sanitizing high touch areas such as door handles, railings, tables ,café countertops, coffee machine and chairs, keyboards, telephones, guest common areas, our shuttle vans, and other high touch areas.
We have also added additional hand sanitizer in our facilities for use by both our team members and guests. We are also ensuring that our team has the information they need to stay healthy. We reinforce to all our team members frequent handwashing and safety protocols. All of these practices are informed by guidance from the CDC, WHO, and Loudoun County Health and Human Services. We closely monitor their guidance and recommendations. Based on the guidance we have received from these organizations, our own preparedness, and the current state of our operations, our BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini and McLaren dealerships remain open for business and our team stands ready to serve you.

This month we are celebrating Guest Appreciation Days with special offers for our loyal guests and we look forward to welcoming you back to our dealerships when the time is right for you.
As always, our goal for all of our showrooms is to make it easy for you to shop or service whenever you would like. Although we are known for being a hugs and handshake dealership; we have modified our behavior to honor appropriate social distance and we want you to consider our elbows to be the sincerest of greeting. Should you have any hesitation or concern regarding visiting our dealerships; please know that you have options. You can visit our Express Storefronts on our websites: or to shop, configure and purchase your new or preowned BMW or MINI.

We will deliver straight to you wherever you are at no charge within 50 miles of our dealerships. Also, our Mobile Service Unit can visit your home or office to perform select minor services.
Starting the week of March 16th, we have contracted with a vendor who specializes in sanitizing vehicles. All of our new and pre-owned vehicles will be sanitized.
Thank you for your continued loyalty to BMW and MINI of Sterling. We are grateful for all of your support that allows us to continue to be one of the leading BMW and MINI dealerships in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Thomas A. Moorehead
Owner and CEO
BMW and MINI of Sterling
Sterling Motorcars
21710 Auto World Circle
(571 )444-8543

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